Sunday, September 30, 2012

Date with Destiny

Do we actually have control over our lives?
I don't really have an opinion either way. I actually believe I control myself, but I like to contemplate and consider these ideas.

Scientific point of view 
Our parents create us with their genes and DNA. We are born with genes, DNA and a brain that we did not choose, but it defines us. We are raised by two parents in an environment of their choosing. They choose what to feed, expose, and teach. At a young age we learn by example. Blindly following our parents, friends and elders actions. Our personality is not our choice. We have to be the way we are. If you choose to change that is your personality thus you are the same. The voice in our head speaks its mind. But what influences that voice? Is it our genetics? Our environment? experiences? Probably a combination of all three. Do genetics have everything to do with us. Are we biologically programmed to think a certain way? Can every action be traced back to genetics? 

First off no one get mad. Actually I don't care, call me out. Except for you Nelson. No rude comments from you please. I'm just expressing some thoughts I have had. Doesn't necessarily mean I believe in them. 
Well this one to me is a bit easier to explain. So God knows everything that has happened and that will ever happen correct? Well if he does he knows all of our actions that we will ever make. If he already knows what we're going to do, how do we have a choice? 
Also this kind of goes with the scientific point of view but God created man, and me individually. He made my mind and body. He made me how I am; my personality, strengths, weaknesses, everything! He also put me into a certain family and environment. All of my being was decided without my consent! 

Maybe this makes no sense in words but in my head its a finished crossword puzzle.



  1. I won't call you out.

    I think about this stuff too. When I was in high school I thought about this ALL THE TIME. Like, it affected my relationships with people (okay, maybe not that much).

    I don't know what I believe. And I can live with that.

    1. "I dont know what i believe. And i can live with that."

  2. And I just saw Looper over the weekend, which made me think about some of this stuff some more. much control do we really have? And can we affect the future? And...

    I need a drink.

  3. Stuff like this makes me go insane. I think nature is obviously a big role in how we are but its the nurture that can always change us. Good stuff Fred.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "Blindly following our parents, friends and elders actions" truth and i am stealing it.

  6. I am always asking myself questions like this. It confuses me but good to see others r confused as well.

  7. in the pre earth life you saw your whole life and you chose to accept it and come down hear to live it out and make those choises or not. so you did have a choise you just dont remember it :)

    1. PS i had many sleeples nights full of tears over this subject :)

    2. well that kinda sucks for the people who chose to be born in africa and die before they reach adulthood...
