Monday, October 8, 2012

oh... one of THOSE posts

George makes a million dollars a year, owns his company, works 60 hours a week, and is single.
Fred gets 20,000 a year, works 20 hours a week, has a family, and is an entry level employee
They both want membership into an association that provides services they both desire.
Should George be required to pay the 2,000 a year for both of them?

Well I'm guessing you said no... its obvious right?

Yet in today's society george is required to pay 40% of his income to receive the same level of service, whether desired or undesired while Fred pays 0 dollars a year for the same services if not more. Is that interesting or is it just me?

yes I'm talking about taxes... 

Now I am not saying taxes are a waste and unethical necessarily, but I am just trying to bring up a point of view. 
Any hotheads out there feel free comment. Especially if you said George should pay for Fred's membership!  They'd be much appreciated.


  1. george shouldent. fred needs to get there himself of hid own desire to produce and be self sustaining. give a man a fish you feed him for a day and make him dependent upon you. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.

  2. george shouldent. fred needs to get there himself of hid own desire to produce and be self sustaining. give a man a fish you feed him for a day and make him dependent upon you. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.

  3. Yeah... george shouldent. #spellerz
