Sunday, January 6, 2013

looking through my rear view mirror at paris

Paris. The concept the goal. How do I get there? or is it something to be sought after, obtained. The
 journey to feel the satisfaction of arriving. I felt I arrived rather quickly. I immediately felt like I fit
in and Paris was the place for me. I was rather enjoying myself; putting myself in new territory,
walking through unpaved paths. Pushing past my comfort zone and visioning a life here.
As time passed in Paris, I continued to work hard and expand my mind. I traveled the city and visited
 a few new neighbors. A few I thought were born and raised here as there work was in the vernacular
of the city. I aspired to be like them and studied their work.
I acquaintanced many tourists and it remotivated me to be better. I wanted people to look at me and
think to themselves how did he do that. I want to be like him. I continued my work and strolling
 through the historical streets relishing the small details. Enveloping myself in Paris. But I realized
that people were moving out. Residents moved away, tourists didn't even visit anymore. What once
was a populous town of excitement and new thrills, changed into a town of a few has beens. The life
 had left and Paris became dull. I sold. I packed my bags and moved on occasionally looking through
my rear view and wondering what could have been. Paris revealed some personal insight to me, my
only regret is not investing more into my property there.

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